RVA Running Man Podcast
RVA Running Man is a show that explores all topics related to recreational running, sports, and fitness. Whether on the road or hiking a trail, I believe running is the best therapy.
RVA Running Man Podcast
Is Social Media Ruining Running?
In this episode, I explore the impact of social media on running and fitness, discussing both the positive and negative effects it has. I also provide some tips for finding balance between social media, community, and the true spirit of running.
**00:01** - Intro
**02:23** - Negative Impacts of Social Media on Your Fitness Goals
**02:35** - Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media
**03:29** - Beware of Online Scammers and Bad Actors
**04:15** - Setting Unrealistic Goals
**05:00** - Injuries Caused by Social Media Trends
**06:30** - Social Media Addiction
**07:41** - Positive Impacts of Social Media on Your Fitness Goals
**07:48** - Finding Fitness Communities on Social Media
**08:40** - Exploring the World Through Social Media
**09:40** - Social Media as an Information Resource
**10:25** - Conclusion
**12:33** - Outro
Visit My YouTube Channel @RVARunningMan for episode full videos
If you have a show idea or would like to be a guess please visit www.rvarunningman.com to contact me.